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Pirates of Penzance 2022

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Monday, 25 April 2022 10:27

The Pirates of Penzance will be performed at The Middleton Hall, Hull University on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th June 2022.

The Pirates of Penzance is an hilarious farce of sentimental pirates, bumbling policemen, dim-witted young lovers and an eccentric Major-General.



Hull Savoyards - Pirates of Penzance since 1938

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Tuesday, 22 March 2022 20:36

Hull Savoyards are to perform their eight production of the Pirates of Penzance since 1938. The society have a strong cast, the Kingston Savoy Orchestra and are looking forward to a return to the stage with a full G&S production since The Grand Duke in 2019. Performance will be at The Middleton Hall, Hull and The Civic Hall, Cottingham in June 2022


Auditions for The Pirates of Penzance

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Monday, 03 January 2022 20:57


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